At Faith Lutheran Church we gather each weekend as a community to encourage one another, experience the presence of God together and be filled in order to be sent back out into the world to share Jesus’ love. Our hope, as you join us, is for you to feel welcomed just as you are and that you will know the love of Jesus more for being in our midst. You can wear whatever you like – some dress up while others (including the pastor) are more often found in sandals or flip flops. We’re pretty sure Jesus doesn’t really care what we wear!  Our gatherings are never an end to themselves, but a means of empowering us to live out Jesus’ love in the world.

Communion is the time in our worship where in the midst of bread and wine, we meet Jesus’ presence in a very real way. We believe in this time the veil between Jesus and us grows thin…and we are met, forgiven, and given grace as we remember what Jesus came to do for us. At FAITH we have open communion served every week, which means ALL are welcome at the table. It doesn’t matter what your church background is, or if you don’t have any – if you believe in the love of Jesus and desire that love in your life, you are welcome to come, partake, and be fed.

While all ages are welcome at the Table, we do a Communion Exploration workshop with children ages 1st grade and up, and their parents to help them understand what Communion is all about.  If you are interested or have questions contact Ellyn Wilson or Pastor Jane.

In the waters of baptism, we believe Jesus meets us with forgiveness and grace and the Holy Spirit comes to us. At one’s baptism, a person is publicly received into the Christian community and claimed as a child of God. We believe people of any age can be baptized and when a child is baptized, parents make a commitment to raise them in the Christian faith and community. If you’re interested in learning more or in scheduling a baptism contact Pastor Jane.